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Taking part during pregnancy

This page explains the C-GULL Study for people who might be interested in joining


We are inviting all of those who are aged 16 years and older and who are pregnant with their first child and have chosen for their care to be at Liverpool Women’s Hospital to take part in this study. We will also ask partners (if applicable) if they would like to take part.

We want to involve all families from different ethnic, cultural, social and family backgrounds so that we can understand how to improve the health and wellbeing of all children in the Liverpool City Region.

Despite the region’s outstanding ability to pull together and look after each other we presently have no answers as to why our children get such a tough deal compared with others within the UK. C-GULL will help us understand and address the many underlying health and social issues which drive these inequalities and, most importantly, help us to improve the future for the next generation of children.

Professor Louise Kenny

Find out more...

If you are considering participating in the C-GULL study, please follow the link below to open the C-GULL Participant Information Tool, where you can view all of the key information needed to decide whether to take part.

[email protected]
+44 (0)151 795 6700

C-GULL Study based in the Harris-Wellbeing Research Centre
Ground Floor
Liverpool Women's Hospital
Crown Street, L8 7SS

The C-GULL Study is funded through a Wellcome Trust Longitudinal and Population Study Award (Reference: 217067/Z/19/Z), targeted at providing support to researchers who want to establish, maintain or enhance Longitudinal Population Studies for the benefit of the wider scientific community.

Enhancement funding is provided by matched funding from the University of Liverpool. The civic-owned data resource is supported by the Civic Data Co-operative.

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